Pastor Dale loves to build relationships with people and challenge them to reach all that God has for them. He is well known as the baby whisperer and can usually be found holding a baby. He enjoys kids and was in children’s ministry for 14 years before becoming the lead pastor at Faith Chapel here in Gardner. His family makes ministry better with all of their help and support. Their goal is to grow together as lifelong followers of Jesus.

Worship Leader
Cameron Bennett
Starting at 8 years old, Cameron has felt called into worship ministry. As a teen Cameron became the youth worship leader at De Soto Youth Ministries where he met his wife Mallory. After serving in the United States Air Force Cameron and his family returned to Faith Chapel. They have been involved ever since in several areas of ministry at both the Gardner and Overland Park campuses. The Bennett Bunch consists of Cameron, Mallory, Karsynn, Zayden, Rilynn, and Emersynn.
Cameron is attending the Assemblies of God School of Ministry (AGKSOM) as he continues to follow God’s call on his life. He has been serving as the Worship Leader for our Gardner campus since 2021. He is passionate about music and loves to create an atmosphere of worship for us to participate in. Philippians 2:1-11 is his favorite passage of scripture, come and ask him why!

Prayer Team Leader
Julie Zeck
Growing up in the Catholic denomination, I was very familiar with the act of prayer but didn’t understand the importance. I do remember leaving recess at about the age of 10 years old to sit in the church building and would often write prayer in my prayer book. I became a believer in the early 1970s and when my relationship with God grew, so did my desire to communicate with Him. The Holy Spirit drew me into prayer and I believe prayer is the umbilical cord between God and us. Prayer is not a vending machine where we put in a request and pull out an answer. I am humbled that God has given me the ministry of prayer. While at my previous church in Great Bend, Ks I led the Sunday morning prayer team as well as organized occasional all night prayer services. It was my honor to lead 6:00 a.m. morning prayer at the church on Thursday mornings and I was delighted to provide prayer mentoring and taught prayer lessons during Women of Valor sessions. My personal prayer time where I draw into that secret place of the Most High God is mornings and evenings.
Recently, I have been spending some time mid-day in short prayer. As and ordained Minister of the AG , my greatest privilege is ministering in prayer.
Our Core Values

We Value Relationships
We Value Relationships
We want you to belong, believe, and become. That can’t happen unless we first make a connection with you on a personal level. We want to create a culture of connectivity that allows us to be unified, without being uniform.
We Value Unity
We Value Unity
We Value unity of the body of Christ because Jesus said it was the only way the world would know that we are his disciples.We Value Kids
We Value Kids
We value kids because we know that if we train them up to be lifelong followers of Jesus then they can change the world.We Value Worship
We Value Worship
We value worship, not just in song but with the quality of the lives that we live to demonstrate the goodness of God to our community.We Value God's Word
We Value God's Word
It is the authoritative rule of faith and conduct and has the right to tell us what to do and how to live.