Men’s Ministry
On the second Saturday of each month we get together for breakfast and encouragement to help each other grow in Christ.
Our men get together to help out people who are in need of help. We have replaced floors in a trailer, helped people move. For fun stuff we have gone to the movies, had game nights, gotten together for coffee.
Second Saturday each month
Women’s Ministry
Women’s ministry is alive and well here at Gardner Faith Chapel! Not only do we meet together every Wednesday night at 6:45, but there is always a special event or get together going on. We do trips to the Cider Mill, movie nights, celebrations of the seasons, and just get together to have coffee on the deck. We have a lot of fun and are always looking for new friends so come and check it out.
Wednesday Evenings at 6:45pm
Outreach Ministry
We are excited to be a part of the community of Gardner. We want to help make it better in whatever ways we can. We want to participate in what is already taking place here, as well as add our own special flare here and there. The Candy Blast is our way of letting the community know that we value kids, and we like to have fun. If you haven’t had to chance to check it out yet, be sure not to miss it! It is the Saturday before Easter.
Time & Date to be Announced
Children’s Ministry
We value ministry to kids. Not just ministering to them, but ministry by them. When we do a project, we encourage our kids to be a part of it. Whether it’s fixing up the new church, putting a floor in a trailer, or helping load the candy cannons, we believe that ministry is a family sport. We have age specific ministry to kids at our Sunday morning and evening services. Our group of volunteers love kids and make them excited about coming to church. We love it when kids pull up at Gardner Faith Chapel.
Sunday Mornings at 9am and 10:30am
Worship Ministry
We have amazing worship, with many songs that are familiar from the radio and some classics thrown in as well. You can check these out online to get a taste of what you will experience. We love worship, not just in our adult service, but in every service. We love to sing, but we also recognize that worship isn’t just about our song. We seek to honor God with the worship of a life filled with chasing after God and choosing to honor him in everything we do. We seek to become like Christ and in so doing, bring glory to God.
Sunday 9am and 10:30am
The Matrix Youth Group
We are getting ready to launch a junior high youth group for 5th-8th grades here at Gardner Faith Chapel. The first meeting will be outside of GFC next to vets park the Wednesday April 12th from 6-8pm! We can’t wait to meet lots of new friends as we begin to fill an obvious void for our junior high kids here in Gardner. This is such an important age and we are excited by the possibilities headed our way! If your junior high schooler hasn’t found a place to belong and be challenged to follow after God, bring them out and join us as we launch this brand-new ministry.